Stepping Out

A Short Introduction to this Girl Talk Blog: Simply I had two options, one was to believe that one day my dream of 'Girl Talk' would materialise by me just waking up and all the opportunity would be there for me to share my specific passion with you all. I would be fully prepared and have all the experience I required. I would have it all figured out, gained the knowledge and confidence to just go out there and do it, achieving my dream. Well, option two is more of a reality. If I ever wanted to see my dream and passion for 'Girl Talk' being effective I would have to start somewhere. In sharing and struggling through my message - get it figured out. In making mistakes and being constructively criticised and encouraged - gain confidence. My Girl Talk blog is the first step into making this dream a reality.

My Mission - Inspiring girls/women to embrace their Uniqueness and Beauty for a Lifetime of Self Esteem and Respect.

Women are bombarded daily with messages from the media and images of ‘ideals’ that are unattainable. An ‘ideal’ that dictates what we need to look like and be like in order to be 'normal'. These images are used to sell us products to create the 'ideal' women - anti wrinkle cream, lifting and slimming products, blemish-free, shinier hair, taller, shorter, whatever you name it. And slowly but surely we become dissatisfied with ourselves. Inevitably these images become our 'normal'. We begin to compare ourselves and fall short because when it comes to the illusion of physical perfection, women long and try to achieve it, no matter how unattainable. We convince ourselves that happiness and success are awarded exclusively to those who attain ‘beauty’. Believing this lie is where we lose our self worth and self esteem.

It is this very lie – that attaining 'beauty' will cure our emotional emptiness, our self-dissatisfaction – that we need to expose. We need to discover the truth – that we all have a unique beauty to unveil and embrace. A beauty that is pure, captivating and perfectly designed. I pray this blog will encourage you to discover the princess inside you, and restore the relationship you have with yourself! I pray you will see your worth – a priceless treasure.


  1. Hi J

    Welcome to the bloggosphere! I'll pop in and share in your thoughts.

    Keep well.


  2. Hey there
    This is an awesome idea!!!
    I'll be sure to follow this space, and share some thoughts!!
    Good luck friend!

  3. Hi my friend!
    This is an awesome idea, and I'm proud of you for putting yourself out there! I'm going to be keping an eye on you!
    Love you lots!

  4. Thanks for the encouragement! Your comments have got me more excited! thx =)
