Familiarity Breeds Contempt

I waited in anticipation for the snowfall I believed with all my heart would fall for our last winter in Ireland. Whenever the weatherman gave any tiny indication of ice or snow, I was like a child at Christmas looking for Santa. I would get up several times a night and check outside my bedroom window to make sure I wouldn’t miss it if it started to snow. It didn’t snow most of the nights I got up, but I believed like Elijah in Kings 18:45, when he sent his servant up the mountain 7 times to check if the storm was coming that he believed God would send. Finally on the 7th trip, his servant said he saw a tiny cloud the size of his hand on the horizon. Elijah knew with that tiny bit of hope that a BIG storm was coming and it did. Every minus degree and white cloud was to me a sign of imminent snowfall. I was beyond excited!

Finally the snow day came! Oh my, the joy was incredible, its was beautiful and so special. We spent most of the day in the snow, making ‘Happy’ the snowman, and making snow angels, having snow ball fights, taking snow walks at 11pm, and bum skiing down the steepest and highest mountain we could climb. I would watch the snow flakes fall, in awe of what God has created and could shower down on us. The detail in every snowflake amazed me, the creation of the hoarfrost – the detail, formations and the sparkling white ice crystals was one of the most beautiful things I have ever experienced in nature. In the beginning we couldn’t get enough of the snow…

Two weeks later, I am getting ready to sleep; I take one last glance out the same bedroom window before closing the curtains. It is still snowing; it barely gets a second glance. No real excitement, no text messages to my friends to remind them to check outside, no more photos. What has changed? …
 The snowfall was just my reminder of how quickly it can set in
The saying goes as follows: "familiarity breeds contempt”.

1 comment:

  1. I often get comments on my Facebook post instead of on the blog page, but have decided if this happens I will copy and paste it onto the blog post, as I know comments help others identify and hopefully they are more open to share. I got this comment on 7 July 2010 and thought YES that is what this is all about! =)...

    "Read your blog today Juls, then the one about familiarity breads contempt. Actually came to my laptop right now to read it to my boyfriend. Then saw you commented. So had to tell you. It was an answer to a long standing question in my liferegarding relationships. Full circle, light bulb moment for me"

    Thx for sharing this =) makes my day!
